TYA/USA Professional Development Webinar – Welcome Here! – Creating Theatrical Experiences For Young People with Autism

Theatre artists and professionals from around the world have begun to explore how we can create deep and meaningful theatrical experiences for young people with autism spectrum disorders and other sensory sensitivities. More and more, we find that our explorations focus not only on the specific artistic choices we make, but the supportive “wrap around” environment we create that allows everyone to “come as they are” and have membership in a community that is safe, supportive, and welcoming. This webinar will feature three different TYA companies (Imagination Stage, Seattle Children’s Theatre, and Trusty Sidekick Theater Company) who will share their continuing journey in creating theatre experiences that welcome and celebrate all young people and their families. Topics of exploration will include the planning, preparation, marketing, and execution of specialized performance experiences. The discussion will include how to gain organizational buy-in, methods of community outreach, how to identify and obtain professional resources and support, and the artistic/aesthetic decisions to be considered in this work.


Featuring Jonathan Shmidt Chapman, Katie Keddell, Karen Sharp, Diane Nutting