The New Work Development webinar will present two case studies in the creation of new work for the TYA stage, from the ground up. The presentation will focus on Seattle Children’s Theatre’s in-process adaptation of Black Beauty, and Rising Youth Theatre’s 2015 Antonia, a Chicana Hip-Hop adaptation of Antigone. The artistic director/playwright team responsible for its creation will present each project.This pairing of projects will allow for an examination of new play development along several dimensions. In-development and complete; a long-established company and a newer organization; site-specific and in-theatre; Children’s Theatre and Youth Theatre – By presenting these two projects in tandem, we will provide multiple lenses into new-work development, useful to any practitioner in the TYA field looking to create a new play.The presentations will be followed by Q-and-A sessions, moderated by webinar host, Jeremy Winchester.
Featuring Jeremy Winchester, Jose Casas & Sarah Sullivan, James Still & Courtney Sale