Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about how you personally engage with the TYA world!
I’m Terrence Brunn, the Program Coordinator at Miami Theater Center — a non-profit organization in Miami, Florida dedicated to education and theatrical experiences for children and families. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world because I get to help make it all happen on a daily basis!
What areas of interest have you cultivated and/or discovered during your fellowship?
I’m most drawn to the creation of new work because it’s so exciting! I’ve always had a connection to live, in-person performance, but I think virtual may be here to stay. These days, I’m fascinated by hybrid live-virtual theatrical experiences.
Any future dreams, plans, or endeavors in progress related to these explorations?
I want to see more TYA being created with an eye to the future and a new generation of audiences.
What advice would you give to folx who are new to the TYA field and don’t know where to start getting involved?
Do what you love! Keep an open mind! Look for fellowships or internships that may introduce you to lifelong friends, colleagues and exciting opportunities.
From your perspective as an “emerging leader”, what do you hope to see in the future of TYA?
European TYA is gorgeous and I absolutely live for it, but you may be sad to realize that there are not as many TYA works from Miami. No shade to companies and artists from around the world — I LOVE THEM — but for a city as special as Miami, we expect a special kind of TYA with Miami flavors and stories, the type that demands and deserves to be taken seriously.
Is there anything else you would like the field to know about you or your fellowship experience?
So, most of you may already know the deal with TYA/USA’s fellowships — they are incredible! Our emerging TYA Leaders Fellowship started just before the pandemic and we couldn’t meet as a cohort until 2021 when we held a series of virtual meetings. My fellowship experience was amazing and my new colleagues provided so much inspiration and joy during a time that was difficult for so many! ♡
Where can the field best connect with you and your work beyond TYA/USA?
More about Terrence
Terrence Brun
2020/21 TYA/USA Emerging Leaders in TYA Fellow
A native of St. Thomas, USVI, Terrence Brunn is an arts administrator and designer with a B.A. in Business Management from the University of Miami. Terrence is the program coordinator for Miami Theater Center, facilitating artistic and education programs for young people. Prior to MTC, Terrence worked with Miami Light Project, a not-for-profit organization that presents live performances by celebrated dance, music, visual and theater artists. Terrence currently resides in Miami and enjoys traveling when not working.